Photos from Penfield

Coby took some photos of the building at Penfield where we recently played. The building is the home of Mercer University. Quoting from Patrick's e-mail about the gig: "Penfield is a faith-based rehab program located in Union Point (half way to Augusta off of I-20) on the original campus of Mercer University. The chapel we play in was built 15 years before the Civil War - a small but stately red brick, white columned structure with a bell tower, wide wood plank floors throughout, and a balcony that wraps around three of the four walls. The acoustics in this small church are great. I'll actually be singing on top of a trapdoor to the baptismal pool which is located under the stage we'll be playing on. Pretty cool, huh?"

Additional information and pictures are available at

Building Exterior

Dedication Plaque

Mounted over the stage area is a plaque honoring Jesse Mercer.For a file showing the text of the plaque, click here.

Sound Check

For booking information or concert details,
or phone 770-713-3257

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