why I wrote what I wrote



Every Hour

This is the first song I ever wrote. I'm in my junior year in high school, dating my first "love", attached to her, expecting her to meet my every need.

Gone Again

Getting high felt good, sure, but every time I turned around the good feeling was gone again.

More Than Goodbye

When I was 23, I was in a car wreck that paralyzed all three of us in the back seat. This is my goodbye prayer to Jeff and Susan, who were in the front seat and died.

How Can I Tell You

Another attachment to something other than the Creator. I proposed marriage to her three weeks after becoming paralyzed. How could I tell her how I loved her--desperately.

Whipping Post

Addiction is a frightening and sick thing. I hated myself after using, but I would go back for another flogging. And another, and another ...

Big Money

This song is about the law degree and the things money can buy.

White Lady

This song is about the power cocaine had over me. Wow. Sick.

Jesus in my Heart

I used to try to figure out this God stuff in my head. It's only when I let go of that folly that I came to know the truth.

Old Man Jack

This song talks about our fallen desire to always want what we don't have. Jack, upon losing a quarter at a pay phone, angers to the point of forgetting that he had just received a pardon from death row, sight from blindness and a cure for his cancer. I guess it's satirical.

For You

A song to my beautiful wife, Catherine.

Your Love

This story, told by a weathered street person, is how he was led back to the truth by a simple act of love.

Hope to Find

If we follow him, he promises us the taste of fruit of which he is the vine. Through his grace, may it be so.




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